The PR toolkit provides a broad portfolio of suggestions to help promote your business – including a whole calendar of ideas – with templated media material for framers to adapt and make their own.
Arqadia / Category
imageSeasonal Press ReleaseAd-Hoc Press ReleaseSeasonal EventAdd-Hoc EventIn Store EventsCompetitions
 Artwork on a budget  Revamp frames End
 Improve not move  Meet the artist
 Framing children's art Sports clubsInterior designMy townEnd
Sporting achievements/Marathon April Fool's day Sports events End
Protect your masterpiece  Sporting glory  End
 Sporting memorabiliaFather's daySchool sports day British summerEnd
 Movie memorabiliagraduation Summer eventsWedding feverEnd
Holiday snapsWhat's hot  Children's workshop End
New baby  Catch the clubsFamily history workshopsArt idolEnd
 Framing black and white imagesNational poetry day Children's frame design End
 Childhood memories  Art valuationWhat Christmas meansEnd
Christmas gifts Christmas photos  Christmas cheerEnd
